August Newsletter
August Newsletter
FAITH Family Newsletter
To the Church Family at Faith Baptist Church, In Galatians 6:10 Paul referred to Christians as “the family of believers” and in Ephesians 2:19 he referred to them as “members of God’s household.” That is why we speak of the people in our church as our “church family.” We have God as our Father and each other as brothers and sisters in Christ—we are family. Ideally our birth family and church family love one another, take care of one another, encourage one another, do things with each other, and pray for each other. As a church family, we should also be a cooperative team, working together to carry out the tasks gives to us by our heavenly Father. What kind of family member are you? Do you take responsibility to help the family or just expect the family to help you? Do you love the family enough to want to be with them? Can you be expected to do your part when either an opportunity or a crisis comes? Unless all the members cooperate with each other, the family is going to suffer. During August the nominating team will be working to secure leadership for the various positions necessary for the church to function effectively. Pray for them as they do their work. If at all possible, respond positively to them if offered a position. We need to work as a family to carry out the tasks our heavenly Father has assigned to us as his people here in Swansea. Beginning on Sunday, August 13, I plan to start a series of four sermons on the Old Testament Joseph. This young man, growing up as his father’s favorite child, was sold into slavery by his brothers when he was only 17 years old. Yet, in a most outstanding manner, he was able meet ever challenge and opportunity, mend family relationships, and fit in with God’s over-all purpose. Following his example, we, too, can fit into God’s over-all purpose for us. We will be blessed as a church family as we do so. As I hope you always do, keep all your church family in your prayers. Your pastor, Ken Harmon IMPORTANT DATES: TUESDAY 1st Deacons Meeting @ 6PM TUESDAY 8th Men’s Gathering 124 Antioch Church Rd @ 6PM WEDNESDAY 9TH Senior Leadership Meeting @ 5PM You can now GIVE online! It’s safe, secure and easy. Try the eCheck method- it costs less than a stamp to use! (Scan the QR Code to GIVE now) |
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